Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5
David was forgotten. Instead of being summoned to join his father and brothers when they met with Samuel, he was left in the field tending sheep. David was only sent for after God had confirmed, one by one, that none of his brothers would be the next king. Gideon was hiding from the enemy when God called him to be a mighty warrior. God knew Gideon, his strengths and weaknesses, and what he was capable of with God’s strength.
Regardless of your current situation, God sees you. Whether you are tending sheep or serving in the king’s court, you are not overlooked. God has not forgotten you and knows your purpose. If you are feeling stuck or unsure, look to God. He has made each of us with unique strengths and weaknesses, even if we cannot see or articulate them.
Depend on Him for meaning, purpose, and insight into your strengths and weaknesses. You exist because He thought of you, formed you, and gave you life. Our best course of action is to trust in our loving Creator.
A humble person is not one who thinks little of himself, hangs his head and says “I am nothing.” Rather, he is someone who depends wholly on the Lord for everything, in every circumstance.
David Wilkerson
Recommended Reading: Psalm 139