These "Power Up" devotionals focus on Scripture verses that will help us claim the power of God in our lives and its work in and through us.
~ Power Up: Ask God for Strength ~
—Psalm 68:35
Our awesome God is the sole source of all the power in the universe. From His omnipotent energy all creation derives its stamina. How does the sun pour out its light and heat? What’s the source of the eagle’s power of flight or the lion’s toughness? It all comes from His throne!
God will give you the energy and strength you need to perform whatever He has planned for you today. He gives strength and power to His people. If He wants you to be an Olympic athlete, He’ll empower you to train and excel. If He wants you to flex your muscles with landscaping work, He’ll give you the necessary strength. If in His providence you’re bedfast and ailing, He will still impart every ounce of strength you need to do what He assigns and bear whatever He allows.
Power up in His Spirit. Ask Him for strength today. Turn Psalm 68:35 into a prayer: God of Israel, give your servant—me—strength and power today. Blessed be Your name!
When I asked for strength, God gave me strength; when for help, He gave this also.
John Wesley
~ Power Up: Be Filled With God's Power ~
—Micah 3:8, NIV
Elisha Hoffman was a pastor and hymnwriter who penned some of our favorite Gospel songs. One of his lesser-known hymns, published in 1904, says:
Fill me with power for service and use me;
Is there not some work my weak hands can do?
Make me a channel of life and of blessing,
And with the Spirit anoint me anew.
Make that your prayer today. When we’re filled with the Holy Spirit, we’re powered up for service. The Lord uses His Spirit-filled people to accomplish ministries that are truly supernatural. Though we may not see all the results at once, it’s enough to know we’re His channels of life and blessing.
Use this old hymn today to power up for revival and renewed service.
The indwelling of the Lord Jesus Christ made real and rewarding by the Holy Spirit…is life with a capital L.
V. Raymond Edman
~ Power Up: Live in Resurrection Power ~
—Ephesians 1:19, NIV
Did you know there’s an annual competition for the World’s Strongest Man, or WSM? Last year the event took place in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and a Canadian, Mitchell Hooper, won the contest. He is currently the World’s Strongest Man.
But wait! There’s another kind of strength that’s even more impressive. In Ephesians 1, Paul prayed for the Christians in Ephesus that their eyes would be opened to know God’s “incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead” (verses 19-20, NIV).
In other words, we’re to live in daily resurrection power. The same strength God exerted in raising Christ from the tomb is what energizes your life today—your morale, your encouragement, your patience, your hope, your energy for Christian service, your strength in the face of adversity.
Claim that power. Live in God’s resurrection strength today. Remind yourself about it. Not even the World’s Strongest Man can equal the strength of the humblest child of God who is powered up by the Spirit.
We need to advance in our experiences of Christ until we manifest His resurrection power in our lives.
Watchman Nee
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~ Power Up: Use Divine Power to Conquer Sin ~
—Romans 8:2, NLT
Jeremiah described our hearts as “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). We’ve all experienced the guilt and shame of passions we couldn’t control, addictions we couldn’t break, sins we couldn’t resist. Some of these are sins of commission—things we do; some are sins of omission—things we should do but haven’t; some are sins of disposition—attitudes that need correcting.
We can never have victory without the spiritual power of the Holy Spirit within us. We can’t resist temptation in our own strength. We need the Lord Jesus within us by His Spirit. Yes, it requires constant effort on our part. We can never give up or give in. The Bible likens us to soldiers who continue fighting. But we can ask the Lord to strengthen us through His Spirit within.
Don’t keep yielding to the same sins over and over. Yield yourself to God, and ask for the Spirit’s power to set you free from the power of sin.
All indwelling sin can be stripped of its dominion through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
David Wilkerson