Whether you realize it or not, you’re part of a multigenerational, multicultural, multiethnic movement.
Together with Turning Point, you’re delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world.
Broadcasts go out each week in 16 languages (and counting).
One of those is Bahasa Indonesia, the official language of Indonesia. I thought you might enjoy an exclusive “behind-the-scenes” glimpse at all that goes into adding a new language like this one, as we spread the message of hope and salvation around the world.
How Do We Choose a Language?
We are intentional about strategically reaching different continents, broadcasting through different mediums, and even reaching people in urban vs. rural settings.
When determining our next language expansion, our decision is largely influenced by three key factors:
- A particular language’s reach.
- The quantity and quality of reliable Christian resources available in that language.
- God-arranged opportunities or partnerships that align with our mission.
How Do We Choose Content for Broadcast?
Turning Point has produced more than 2,000 unique English messages from over 155 different series since we began back in 1982.
When we start a new foreign language, each year, we schedule either 52 programs (one per week) for television or 260 programs (one per weekday) for radio. This means we broadcast, on average, 6 series each year on television or 12 on radio.
Depending on the region and dominant local religion, we will tailor our content to reach our target audience most effectively, for example....
In Indonesia, which is 87% Muslim, we will often first air series such as The God You May Not Know and The Jesus You May Not Know to dispel misperceptions people may have about Jesus.
How Do We Choose a Delivery Method?
Once the foreign language programs were translated and produced in Bahasa Indonesia, they were broadcast on radio and/or television and distributed digitally.
Our goal is for every program produced to air on both a traditional broadcast medium, namely radio or television, as well as a digital platform where the content can be consumed at the convenience of the listener or viewer.
How Do We Stay the Course?
Of the 7,000+ languages spoken globally, Turning Point is present in 16 languages.
When combined, the languages that Turning Point currently broadcasts in have the potential to reach 63% of the world!
The need is enormous. And this is just the beginning of our vast outreach endeavor.
And we are going to need you to do it.
And thank you, again, for standing with us as we expand into new languages, like Bahasa Indonesia. We could not do this without you!