The Lord wants you to study Him.
Is the word study a scary concept in your life? You’re not alone. I hear it often: “I did enough studying when I was in school,” or “I hated school, and I still have nightmares about taking tests,” or “Well, that counts me out. I never could concentrate on anything.”
The Soul of Discipleship
To all these concerns and more, my answer is the same: the kind of study I’m talking about isn’t like anything you’ve done before. Studying the Lord as His disciple will feed your soul. It will heal, uplift, and excite you! Each step you take in studying Him will bring you new knowledge and understanding. Remember, the word disciple means “learner,” and learners study.
After Peter and Andrew and the others left their fishing boats to follow Christ, He had a lot to teach them. They listened eagerly to His great sermons: the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5–7), the parables of the kingdom (Matt. 13), the Olivet Discourse about the signs of the times (Matt. 24–25), the Upper Room Discourse (John 13–17), and His other formal presentations. They listened to the messages He preached in the synagogues, the arguments He waged in the temple, the conversations He had with the multitudes, and the parables He told wherever He went. They often asked Him privately for further clarification, and He taught them personally, sometimes rebuking and correcting them. He was (and is) the Master Teacher, and they had so much to learn.
The Heart of Discipleship
Jesus wanted them to know—to truly know—the Old Testament Scriptures. In fact, two of His disciples later said,
Luke 24:32
When you become Jesus’ disciple—His learner—He teaches you, and He primarily does so through His wonderful Book, the Bible, which is the voice of Jesus, as it were, speaking to you. As you read and study the Bible, your heart should burn within you ….
The Mind of Discipleship
There’s much about the Bible and about God I don’t know. I’ve been studying both for many years, yet I’m still learning. Every time I open my Bible, I learn something exciting I’ve never known before. The same will be true for you.
Almighty God created the human mind and gave us the ability to learn. We can learn many things—science, math, literature, history, sports, hobbies. Some people become engrossed in particular subjects and spend their lifetimes studying them. Many of these pursuits are good, but nothing is greater than the study of God Himself.
When you contemplate the Lord and learn of Him, it brings a unique healing to your mind. It inspires your thoughts and gives you a new perspective. As your mind is filled with knowledge, your heart is filled with hope, your spirit is infused with strength, your vision is expanded to eternity, and your perspective is imbued with common sense. Consistent study of Scripture stabilizes your emotions. As someone once wrote, “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” …
Excerpt from Everything You Need, chapter four, “Mental Focus.”