“What a mess.”
How many times have you heard this? Or said it! And today, perhaps, many of us may feel it, more than ever. It’s been an unsettling season—an extraordinary year of turmoil: pandemic, economic issues, politics, natural disasters. After the U.S. presidential election, the mess may get even messier.
But our hope is not in politics or government. Yes, as Christian citizens, we should take part in our democracy, but we must also recognize that politics lead us to a party or a person—while the Bible leads us to God.
The world we live in—maybe even our own individual situations—can be messy. You may have turmoil at home or at work, in your church or your neighborhood. Our world is ever-changing. There’s confusion, trouble, sometimes even chaos.
Finding Hope in Scripture
Yet no matter what, God’s promise is this: There is a message in the mess. God’s Word reveals it.
- Esther found herself in a mess, but there was a nation-saving message in that mess.
- Daniel was put in a cultural mess; but there was an inspiring, life-giving message in that mess.
- Joseph had to make his way through more messes than just about anybody in the Bible. But what happened? There was a beautiful message of hope and life in every mess he faced!
Turning Point, the broadcast ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah, is here to help you find a message in the mess! We have been delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world through every mess for the past 35 years: Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, school shootings, terror attacks, COVID-19, storms, fires, racial unrest, and the list goes on.
Through it all, every step of the way, no matter what you’re going through, no matter what is happening in your world, Turning Point is ready to help you “crack the code” on your situation—through the lens of God’s Word. And we are ready to meet you wherever you are.
Finding Hope for Today
It’s not like it was in Bible times when you had to go out and find the Truth being preached on a hillside, a seashore, or in a marketplace. Today, it’s easier than ever to get the Truth if you’re looking for it. It’s available on television, radio, online, apps, social media, e-devotionals, Turning Points magazine, books, videos, audio CDs, and other resources! Wherever you are, Turning Point is here for you—helping you find God’s message in the mess.
In times of stress, the natural tendency may be to hold back—withdraw in fear—to wait and see—but our calling has not changed: Jesus calls us to “Go.” As you navigate the ups and downs of each day, keep trusting God to empower your life of faith as never before and continue to pray for our nation.
Through the ministry of Turning Point, David Jeremiah launched a worldwide movement in September 2020 that is designed to move us forward on a personal level and a national level. Would you like to find God’s message of hope for your tomorrow? Stream the simulcast event that launched the Forward movement, and join Dr. Jeremiah in praying for America to unite as one nation, under God.
Finding Hope in Prayer
Dear Father,
Living in uncertain times, You are a certain God.
Seeing turmoil all around us, You are the peace within us. And though the future may seem dim, You are the Light that illuminates our path forward.
Make us one nation under God!
May we remember the high cost that was paid to live in one nation, a nation under God. May we not be fractured by politics or pettiness, but stand together as an indivisible people, ready to face the challenges of our future. May we graciously live within the freedom and liberty endowed to us by our Creator. And may we seek justice for all—no matter their race, color, or creed.
Make us one nation under God.
Though imperfect, let us become a more perfect union. Sometimes divided, let us learn to live indivisibly. And at times ungrateful, let we, the people, be grateful for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In You, God, we trust to heal the wounds of our past, give us strength to endure the trials of today, and provide guidance to live together in a more peaceful tomorrow.
Make us one nation under God!
May Your Word direct us,
Your promises keep us,
Your power protect us,
And your purpose restore us.
May our courage propel us,
Love define us,
Humility constrain us,
And faith unite us.
Make us one nation under God!