Most theologians believe the original animals that populated the Garden of Eden were not hostile, dangerous, or predatory. The book of Genesis says, "Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. So Adam gave … [Read more...] about Animals in the Millennium
Dr. David Jeremiah mines the Bible for wisdom regarding End Times, Armageddon, the Millennium, 666, the Apocalypse, Revelation, and more.
20 Bible Verses About the Millennium
The Millennium is an eagerly anticipated period in biblical prophecy, characterized as a time of peace and righteousness when Jesus Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years. Here, we've gathered twenty Scriptures that call our attention to this significant future event. ~ The Promise of the Millennium ~ Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the … [Read more...] about 20 Bible Verses About the Millennium
3 Major Views of the Millennium: Understanding Biblical End Times Prophecy
The nature of the Millennium is arguably the most controversial subject in the study of biblical future, but most of the views can be summarized in three major perspectives. It is critical to know these viewpoints because what we believe about this thousand-year period affects everything else we believe about biblical prophecy, the future, and the events leading up to the … [Read more...] about 3 Major Views of the Millennium: Understanding Biblical End Times Prophecy
Israel in Conflict: Reading Your Bible in Light of the Headlines
As we see the headlines in the news, it is more important than ever that we pray for Israel and understand what the Bible says about Israel and her significance. Why Is Israel Important? The capital city of Israel, Jerusalem—sacred to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—is arguably (and certainly prophetically) the world’s most significant city. Jerusalem was chosen … [Read more...] about Israel in Conflict: Reading Your Bible in Light of the Headlines
15 Biblical Answers to Questions About the Millennium
While few books about the Millennium are currently available, Dr. Jeremiah's prophecy book is a practical guide that prepares us for the thousand-year reign of Christ. Unlike other books that focus on the timing of Jesus's return, this book is filled with information from the Bible about what we can expect in the Millennium. It explores the many important aspects of this … [Read more...] about 15 Biblical Answers to Questions About the Millennium
Where Is Satan During the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ?
Sitting on thirty-seven acres of land southwest of Colorado Springs, ADX Florence is the most secure prison in America. If you could walk its corridors, you’d pass a who’s who of archvillains, including Zacarias Moussaoui, who masterminded the 9/11 attacks; Terry Nichols, who helped plan the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing; James Marcello, the notorious Chicago crime boss; El Chapo, … [Read more...] about Where Is Satan During the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ?
Introduction to The Coming Golden Age
This is the introduction of my newest book, The Coming Golden Age: 31 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready. It explores Christ’s 1,000-year reign on earth and is meant to inspire, encourage, answer your questions, and bring clarity to God’s Millennial plan. I’ve been fascinated by biblical prophecy all my life, and nothing encourages me more than God’s predictions about the … [Read more...] about Introduction to The Coming Golden Age
Do Children Go to Heaven? What Happens to the Souls of Little Ones When They Die?
Ashley Irwin was slightly amused and slightly alarmed when her young son, Wyatt, asked her to pull down his Marvel-themed Duffel bag. “I’ve got a big trip tomorrow,” he said. At first, Ashley thought her son was talking about church, since this all took place on a Saturday night. But Wyatt had a bigger goal in mind—a higher destination. “I’m going to heaven,” he told his … [Read more...] about Do Children Go to Heaven? What Happens to the Souls of Little Ones When They Die?
What Is the Difference Between the Rapture and the Second Coming?
This is one of prophecy's greatest misconceptions. The Rapture and the Second Coming are often confused, but they are distinct events, with distinct purposes, on God's prophetic timeline. ~ At the Rapture, Jesus will return for His saints. ~ At the Second Coming, He will return with His saints. ~ At the Rapture, Jesus will not descend to earth. ~ At the Second Coming, He … [Read more...] about What Is the Difference Between the Rapture and the Second Coming?
Seven Churches of Revelation Bible Study
Rome and the surrounding territories became increasingly hostile to Jesus’ followers after His death. According to tradition, every disciple, except one, was martyred for his faith, and that disciple’s fate wasn’t much better—John was exiled to a rocky, inhospitable island called Patmos. During this exile, Jesus Christ spoke to John in a vision. He revealed far-off future … [Read more...] about Seven Churches of Revelation Bible Study
What Is the Rapture?
The Rapture is perhaps the most important piece of prophecy for us to understand since it could very well impact us personally. This Bible study will help you examine what the Rapture is, defend it biblically, and explain its personal and practical importance. What is the Rapture? The Rapture is the biblical prophetic event where all who have put their trust in Christ, … [Read more...] about What Is the Rapture?
4 Signs of the End Times
When we read the headlines, it is not hard to see that our world is on a downward slide. Political tensions, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks are escalating. More and more professed believers seem to be falling away from the faith. It has caused many people to wonder whether these events are part of biblical prophecy. I can say with certainty that we are closer … [Read more...] about 4 Signs of the End Times
Are We Living in the Apocalypse?
We are closer to the end of the world than ever before. That might be an obvious statement, but even many who don’t believe in the Bible will tell you the world will one day end and that we are getting closer to that time. We don’t know when the time will come, but the Rapture will be the triggering event. Signs in our world today suggest we are living in the End … [Read more...] about Are We Living in the Apocalypse?
An Inside Look at The Great Disappearance
You and I are privileged to stand on the cresting waves of prophecy—to live in a time closer to the return of Jesus Christ than any other generation in the history of the world. We sense the nearness of His return. We see the signs of the times. We know the world is reaching a climactic point of unparalleled crisis. Nuclear weapons are now sophisticated enough and small … [Read more...] about An Inside Look at The Great Disappearance
Why Are So Many Quitting Christianity?
The Pew Research Center has tracked viable data for years and studied the trends. Their projections are disheartening... But do not despair! There is hope in the headlines. And while what is happening in the church shocks us, it is not a surprise to God. The falling away of the church is prophesied in Scripture and points to the soon return of Christ. And for His own, … [Read more...] about Why Are So Many Quitting Christianity?
What Do Devastating Natural Disasters Say About God?
When an earthquake rocked northwest Syria on February 6, the country was already in ruins, experiencing an epic humanitarian and economic crisis. Of the 4.5 million people living in the region, 4.1 million people were already in need of assistance. Then, the ground violently shook... It’s difficult not to wonder why God allowed this natural disaster to occur. In a land … [Read more...] about What Do Devastating Natural Disasters Say About God?
Why Is Life So Hard?
Often, the hard issues we face are due to circumstances beyond our control. Case in point: flooding disasters in Florida, across the North-central U.S., and California ... These tragedies, pulled from the headlines, affect many people and communities at once. But if I were to sit down across from you and ask, “What difficult circumstances are you facing today?” —I have no … [Read more...] about Why Is Life So Hard?
Russia’s Role in End-Times Prophecy
From the World the Cold the current ongoing war in Ukraine, the name “Russia” has increasingly appeared in headline after headline, often at the center of so many of our most troubling global news stories. These are just a few I’ve clipped while scrolling my newsfeed recently: But I’m sure you can think of many more you’ve seen blaring across your TV … [Read more...] about Russia’s Role in End-Times Prophecy
The Rest of the Story: The Hope of Bible Prophecy
You may remember the television newscaster who had one of the most memorable sign-off lines in American broadcasting: Walter Cronkite, who would end the CBS Evening News by saying, “And that’s the way it is.” … [Read more...] about The Rest of the Story: The Hope of Bible Prophecy
Newsmakers vs. Way Maker
In a yellowed article from the 1881 collection of The Sailor’s Magazine, I came across this quote: “Christians are but travelers,—Jesus was the way-maker. They but pathfinders,—He the path itself…. While others played, he worked. While they slept, he prayed. While they scorned, he blessed.”1 In the world of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe, a waymaker was the person … [Read more...] about Newsmakers vs. Way Maker
9 Recession-Proof Principles From God's Word
“It might be time to worry about a recession again.” At least, that’s what one recent headline on Yahoo! Finance says. The article cites that manufacturing, job openings, and employment reports have all failed to meet expectations—as well as a slowing economy amid “aggressive” interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. But what does the ultimate source—God’s Word—have … [Read more...] about 9 Recession-Proof Principles From God's Word
Biblical Wisdom for Times of Financial Disruption
No matter where you get your news, you’ve almost certainly seen headlines like these: The common thread? Concerns, worries, and fears...without any certainty. Maybe we're entering a recession... It's possible inflation will only get worse... Perhaps the world economy is about to crumble before our eyes... ...but maybe not. Hope at Our Fingertips Yet amid so … [Read more...] about Biblical Wisdom for Times of Financial Disruption
Finding Hope in the Headlines
I remember a time when reading the morning newspaper was a pleasure. Along with buttered toast and a cup of coffee, it was a good way to start the day. After skimming the headlines, I’d read the sports page, laugh at the comics, and sometimes even try the crossword puzzle. After leaving the breakfast table, I didn’t think very much about the news until the next morning, unless … [Read more...] about Finding Hope in the Headlines
When the Bible Meets the News of the Day
I don’t know who first said it, but many Christians have affirmed it over the years: “The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it!” From a spiritual and theological point of view, it’s a way of saying that the Bible is the most trustworthy and authoritative source we have. The Bible was inspired by God, so trusting the Bible is equivalent to trusting God. But what … [Read more...] about When the Bible Meets the News of the Day
Christ's Second Coming in God's Story of Redemption
Like a powerful telescope, the Bible is focused on one central theme, beginning at Genesis. Everything in Scripture supports that theme:Establishing Jesus Christ as the rightful ruler over all of God’s creation. You have no doubt used one of the “mapping” features available on the internet—Google Maps is perhaps the most commonly used. It enables you to focus on a … [Read more...] about Christ's Second Coming in God's Story of Redemption
Living Like the Rapture Could Happen Tomorrow
Written in 1678, Pilgrim’s Progress takes readers on a symbolic journey through the Christian life. The main character, Christian, encounters personalities like Evangelist, Mr. Worldly Wiseman, and Prudence as he travels from the City of Destruction (this world) to the Celestial City (heaven). In the course of his journey, Christian summits the Hill of Difficulty, battles a … [Read more...] about Living Like the Rapture Could Happen Tomorrow
Is the Rapture in the Bible?
The Rapture of the Church is the next event on God’s prophetic timeline. It is one of the great hopes of the Christian faith, and it is shrouded in mystery. When will it occur? What will it be like? Some wonder where the idea of the Rapture comes from, considering that the word “Rapture” does not appear in English translations. Eight Bible Passages Regarding Jesus … [Read more...] about Is the Rapture in the Bible?
5 Prayers for Living in the End Times
Bible prophecy points us to Christ and challenges us to live for Him. As you read and pray these prayers, may you be reminded that God is in control and that He is always with us. Read and pray these prayers... A Prayer for Guidance A Prayer for Protection A Prayer for Revival A Prayer for Uncertain Times A Prayer … [Read more...] about 5 Prayers for Living in the End Times
Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
Even Jesus’ closest friends didn’t get it. Why didn’t He overthrow the Romans and establish His Kingdom? Why was He rejected? Why did He have to die? So many details of His life did not make sense except for one thing: prophecy. Jump to an Article Topic: Prophecies Fulfilled by the First Coming • The Virgin Birth Prophecy • The Davidic Prophecy • The Bethlehem … [Read more...] about Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
The Book of Revelation Explained
The last book in the Bible is one of the most misunderstood. Because of its complexity, some Christians avoid Revelation, leaving the weightier matters of end-time prophecy for Bible scholars and theologians. But 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, … [Read more...] about The Book of Revelation Explained
6 Benefits of Studying Bible Prophecy
Someone once said that Christians treat the book of Revelation like the priest and the Levite treated the wounded man in the parable of the Good Samaritan. They pass by it on the other side. Some avoid prophecy because it seems difficult to understand. Others feel too overwhelmed by the present to think about the future. Some pastors have never even preached from the book of … [Read more...] about 6 Benefits of Studying Bible Prophecy
What Are the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus explained that a surge of false prophets, wars, famines, and diseases would indicate the end of the world is drawing near. A cursory look around our globe suggests these signs have already begun to materialize. The COVID-19 pandemic, food shortages, massive inflation, and the Ukraine invasion are just a few examples. Although these events are mere … [Read more...] about What Are the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
How to Spot a False Prophet
Over the centuries since Christ’s death and resurrection, countless impostors have pretended to be the Messiah or claimed to know details about the future they could not possibly know. While false prophets are nothing new, they will become increasingly prevalent and destructive in the End Times. Jesus warned us about these individuals in His Olivet Discourse: “Then many false … [Read more...] about How to Spot a False Prophet
God Wants Spies Like Us
It surprises some young people today to learn that James Bond (“007”) was not the world’s first secret agent. In fact, countries and cultures have benefited from the work of super-sleuths for thousands of years. As far back as the Old Testament, God Himself commissioned spies to carry out essential tasks in His Kingdom. It’s a strategy He still uses today—and He invites YOU to … [Read more...] about God Wants Spies Like Us
Christ's Message for the Seven Churches of Revelation and Today
After His resurrection, Jesus Christ commissioned the apostle John to write letters to seven churches in Asia Minor about their spiritual condition. Each letter identified the church’s strengths and weaknesses and gave instructions for finding its spiritual footing. These messages reveal that the ancient Church contended with many of the challenges God’s people face today. By … [Read more...] about Christ's Message for the Seven Churches of Revelation and Today
Why Isn’t America in Bible Prophecy?
For many, America’s absence from Bible prophecy raises serious concerns. It is worth noting that a host of other world powers do not appear in Scripture either. The only modern nations cited in prophecy date back to antiquity—Syria, Israel, Persia, and the like. That aside, theories about America’s future abound. Based on the cultural and historical connections between … [Read more...] about Why Isn’t America in Bible Prophecy?
Who Were the Old Testament Prophets?
At a time when the Bible was not yet complete, the Old Testament prophets communicated God’s messages to His people. Whenever a prophet appeared, it usually signified a moral failure on the part of Israel and their king. The Old Testament prophet’s role was to warn the people of the judgment that would follow their disobedience and teach them how to live during times of crisis … [Read more...] about Who Were the Old Testament Prophets?
Who Was Elijah in the Bible? Meet God’s Prophet of Fire
The Bible says, "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours" (James 5:17); it also says he confronted idolatry, performed miracles, spoke God's judgment, and changed his world. This may seem like a tall order, but today's believers have a similar opportunity. Just as God spoke to Elijah in the Bible for the benefit of many, His Spirit of truth resides in us so that we may … [Read more...] about Who Was Elijah in the Bible? Meet God’s Prophet of Fire
Will Elijah Return During the Tribulation?
Someone has said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. It also can be a form of deception. Ever since Satan’s fall from heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15), he has counterfeited God’s power in an attempt to deceive mankind. During the End Times, Satan’s deception will escalate to include imitation of God’s signs and prophecies. The prophet Elijah will return, but a con man also … [Read more...] about Will Elijah Return During the Tribulation?
Who Are the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation?
Like much of Revelation, mystery surrounds the 144,000 Tribulation witnesses. Who are they? What will be their objective? Will they be protected? Will they have any effect on the lost people of the Last Days? Although we do not know everything about the events that will take place and those involved, the Bible describes the 144,000 in some detail. Fast Facts on the 144,000 … [Read more...] about Who Are the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation?
A Christian’s Guide to Preparing for the Apocalypse
God has used a long line of agents in earlier days who have passed their faith down to us. In biblical history, apostolic history, and the story of the Church are heroes of whom the world is not worthy. But who are God’s agents in the world now? Who are His ambassadors today? Who can represent Him in these turbulent times? It’s us! You and I are His agents of the Last … [Read more...] about A Christian’s Guide to Preparing for the Apocalypse
Should Christians Be Doomsday Preppers?
Know how to survive a dirty bomb? How to start a fire using a glass bottle? How to preserve food? Have you stockpiled cans of beans and tins of meat? Do you own a solar-powered flashlight? How about your contact list—do you have a hard copy in case our electronics crash? What about a first aid kit and toolbox? Have you studied wild mushrooms and edible insects? Know how to … [Read more...] about Should Christians Be Doomsday Preppers?
The HOPE We Find in Bible Prophecy
In a recent scholarly paper, scientist Phil Torres concluded that many experts who study existential threats to the globe agree that the probability of doom is higher today than ever before in history. Torres wrote, “From nuclear weapons to killer drones to designer pathogens, humanity is acquiring much more efficient methods of bringing down civilization.”1 Wow! If that’s … [Read more...] about The HOPE We Find in Bible Prophecy
Bitcoin, NFTs, and the End Times: What the Bible Says
In March 2021, Mike Winkelmann, a digital artist professionally known as Beeple, sold a digital collage of five thousand original images as a non-fungible token (NFT) for more than $69 million. Brokered by Christie’s, this sale represents the largest NFT transaction to date. The story becomes even more wild when we consider that Vignesh Sundaresan, the purchaser, used 42,329 … [Read more...] about Bitcoin, NFTs, and the End Times: What the Bible Says
What the Bible Says About Christ’s Second Coming
The Bible Predicts Jesus’ Return According to the Bible, Christ will return to defeat Satan—the Great Dragon—and commence His one-thousand-year reign on earth at the end of the Tribulation. He will make right all the wrongs in our world. While there is much we will not know until it takes place, Scripture gives us many details about the Second Coming. Let’s examine what the … [Read more...] about What the Bible Says About Christ’s Second Coming
Is the Antichrist Alive Today?
Elizabeth II was 27 years old when she was crowned queen in Westminster Abbey. When Adolf Hitler was elected president of Germany, he was 45. Winston Churchill’s first term as prime minister of the United Kingdom began when he was 65. At age 78, Joe Biden became the 46th U.S. President. Like every other world leader, the Antichrist will ascend to power as an adult, … [Read more...] about Is the Antichrist Alive Today?
The Revelation Prophecy Timeline
This downloadable Revelation Prophecy Chart will guide you through key events from the Church Age to the Millennium on this easy-to-use compact chart. The Book of Revelation Timeline Anyone who pays careful attention to Scripture has a bittersweet relationship with current affairs. It seems that each day brings news of turmoil, wars, diseases, economic collapse, … [Read more...] about The Revelation Prophecy Timeline
What Does 666 Mean?
P. T. Barnum was an American showman of the nineteenth century who captivated American audiences with elaborate hoaxes that earned him a reputation as the “Prince of Humbugs.” He didn’t consider his shows to be underhanded because his audiences were willing participants in his ruses. In Barnum’s words, “The people like to be humbugged.” Jump to an Article … [Read more...] about What Does 666 Mean?
What Is the Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation?
Predicting the future is big business. One source estimates the national psychic industry to be a $2 billion a year business. While it’s easy to understand the desire for a glimpse into the future, there is only one source of reliable prophecy, and that is God’s Word. With free online versions and affordable printed copies, the Bible contains invaluable information about our … [Read more...] about What Is the Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation?
Bible Prophecy and the Current Political Divide
As history hurtles toward the Last Days, we find ourselves trying to navigate through an increasingly hostile world. Politics are dividing our country and even our churches. People are becoming more cold-hearted, selfish, and angry. We are experiencing a breakdown that feels irreversible. Our problems do not have simple solutions, but we can find guidance in Scripture. Jump … [Read more...] about Bible Prophecy and the Current Political Divide
Bible Prophecy FAQs From Dr. David Jeremiah
Our world is changing and not for the better. Natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and political tensions are escalating. In many countries, personal freedoms are eroding. Common courtesy is becoming increasingly uncommon. Greed and materialism are ever-present. All indications suggest that we may be standing at the precipice of the End Times. No matter our circumstances, … [Read more...] about Bible Prophecy FAQs From Dr. David Jeremiah
Why Would Anyone Accept the Mark of the Beast?
Why would anyone agree to be marked with a number that has evil implications? Even people who have never read the Bible are generally uneasy with the number 666 because of the press it receives. Films and novels use it to invoke terror and mystery. Some even make jokes about the mark, but Satan’s demonic activity is no laughing matter. So why will the world … [Read more...] about Why Would Anyone Accept the Mark of the Beast?
11 Answers to Questions About the End Times
We are closer to the End Times than ever before. While that might be an obvious statement, many who don’t believe in the Bible acknowledge that the world will end and that we are getting closer to that day. It’s a reality that is both fascinating and frightening. One of the best ways to come to terms with earth’s final days is to study biblical prophecy. If you wonder about the … [Read more...] about 11 Answers to Questions About the End Times
Connecting Bible Prophecy and Current Events
While writing this introduction, I’m watching the grim recovery efforts in Surfside, Florida, where the Champlain Towers South condominium collapsed in the dead of night, one floor pancaking onto the next, burying scores of people under tons of concrete. Most were sleeping in their beds, unaware of the suddenness of the coming catastrophe. There had been signs, including … [Read more...] about Connecting Bible Prophecy and Current Events
The False Prophet in the Book of Revelation
From the prophets of Baal who challenged Elijah on Mount Carmel to cult leader David Koresh, the world has known its share of false prophets. And the Bible says more will come. During the second half of the Tribulation, Satan will empower a false prophet to deceive the world into worshiping the Antichrist. We do not know when the Rapture and subsequent Tribulation will occur, … [Read more...] about The False Prophet in the Book of Revelation
How Bad Will the Tribulation Be?
Our culture has embraced the idea of suffering for a cause, but it has cheapened the concept of martyrdom in the process. Terms like social change martyr, digital martyr, work martyr, and political martyr have expanded the meaning of martyr to include any inconvenience resulting from expressing an opinion. But to understand just how bad the Tribulation will be, we need to know … [Read more...] about How Bad Will the Tribulation Be?
What Is the Tribulation?
According to biblical prophecy, the Tribulation is a seven-year period that will begin immediately following the Rapture. Evil will spread without restraint. The diseases, natural disasters, wars, and devastation we see in our world today are but a taste of the atrocities to come. Toward the end, the Antichrist will sit at the center of the Tribulation’s evil as he personifies … [Read more...] about What Is the Tribulation?
What Are the 3 Tribulation Plagues?
Do you want to see a miracle? Are you sure? During the Tribulation, three terrifying miracles—plagues—will warn the world of God’s impending judgment. • Three Kinds of Plague During the Tribulation • Three Reasons for the Tribulation Plagues Miracles have always been rare. In all history, there have been three great epics of miraculous signs, and these were separated from … [Read more...] about What Are the 3 Tribulation Plagues?
The Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation
According to a study by the American Judicature Society, eyewitnesses correctly identify suspects 87.8% of the time. This 12.2% margin of error provides one explanation for why Old Testament law required the testimony of two or three witnesses to prosecute a crime—one witness could be mistaken or even lie; two or three witnesses are not likely to be wrong (Numbers 35:30; … [Read more...] about The Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation
Q&A: The COVID Vaccine and the End Times
Ever since COVID-19 made headlines in March 2020, the scientific community has been working around the clock to understand and treat this deadly disease. Thanks to their efforts, we know a lot more now than we did then. Many schools and businesses have reopened, and several vaccines are available. Life is beginning to feel more predictable. And yet, there is another layer to … [Read more...] about Q&A: The COVID Vaccine and the End Times
4 Practical Ways to Prepare for Christ’s Return
The Bible draws a connection between Jesus Christ’s Second Coming and rewards for God’s faithful people. While we do not know when He will return, there are things we can do to be ready for that day. 1. We can prepare by recognizing Christ’s passion and patience. 2. We can prepare by reflecting Christ’s servanthood. 3. We can prepare by revering Christ’s honor and glory. 4. We … [Read more...] about 4 Practical Ways to Prepare for Christ’s Return
Israel: What Did God Promise to Abraham?
Of all God’s covenant promises to Abraham, I believe the most amazing is His promise concerning the land. God told Abraham to leave his country, his family, and his father’s house and go “to a land that I will show you” (Gen. 12:1). God then led Abraham to the land that would belong to his descendants forever. The Promised Land Is Larger Than Modern Israel The land … [Read more...] about Israel: What Did God Promise to Abraham?
5 Signs of Christ's Return
Sitting like giant golf balls on the bleak Yorkshire moors of northern England are dozens of strange globes protected by sophisticated security fences. Known as Project Echelon, this is one of the world’s most secret intelligence operations. It’s located at Menwith Hill, a Royal Air Force station eight miles from the English town of Harrogate, and it is the largest … [Read more...] about 5 Signs of Christ's Return
Q&A: Seeking Jesus in the Last Days
Time is running out. The rapid escalation of catastrophic events around the world suggests that we are living in the Last Days, and the Apocalypse is drawing near. Christians have a responsibility to treat each day as a new opportunity to serve the Lord and lead others to Him. This collection of questions and answers from David Jeremiah’s recent book, Answers to Questions About … [Read more...] about Q&A: Seeking Jesus in the Last Days
Feeling Powerless? Discover 4 Power Principles in Daniel’s 70-Weeks Prophecy
Throughout history, God has raised up men and women to be world changers. Some people, like Daniel, make such an impact on society that they continue to be well known beyond their lifetime. Have you ever wondered what sets them apart? How does God select individuals for such important work? Sometimes God appoints powerful people to serve Him, but He often chooses more … [Read more...] about Feeling Powerless? Discover 4 Power Principles in Daniel’s 70-Weeks Prophecy
Decoding Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy
When Robert Louis Stevenson introduced the world to Treasure Island in 1883, he kindled something deep in the imagination of readers young and old. Thoughts of ruthless pirates, sea-swept islands, and buried treasure stretched readers’ minds to envision unknown places—and clues that might be hiding right under their noses. Newer adventure stories like Raiders of the Lost Ark … [Read more...] about Decoding Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy
3 Reasons to Study the Book of Daniel
(Including Interesting Facts About the End of the World) If you spent any time in Sunday school as a child, you know about Daniel. You may have been treated to a flannelgraph presentation of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego emerging from the fiery furnace or a rousing reenactment of Daniel proclaiming God’s deliverance on his way out of the lions’ den. You may even be aware … [Read more...] about 3 Reasons to Study the Book of Daniel
Living Confidently in Uncertain Times
When we go to the doctor, we want to hear two things: (1) “I know what is wrong with you,” and (2) “I know how to fix it.” But what if the doctor said one more thing? Imagine how you would feel if he added, “Let me introduce you to folks who have already been through this. They’ll encourage you.” That would be even better! Today we are living in a similar situation. Our … [Read more...] about Living Confidently in Uncertain Times
The Prophetic Times Report
David Jeremiah’s Guide to Living in the Last Days Are Australia’s Fires a Sign of the Last Days? Earthquakes are shaking, fires are raging, hurricanes are obliterating, tornadoes are spinning—humanitarian organizations today are often hard pressed to provide food to countries and cities affected by the destruction of natural disasters and their aftermath. This is … [Read more...] about The Prophetic Times Report
Why Was Daniel Taken to Babylon?
When we think about the future of our children, our thoughts tend toward things like their education, their future spouse, and their walk with the Lord. Long hours are invested as we encourage them to obey God, hoping they learn from our mistakes rather than making their own. We imagine them enjoying the same comforts we have and maybe a few more. Certainly, Daniel’s … [Read more...] about Why Was Daniel Taken to Babylon?
10 Encouraging Verses and Devotionals About the Second Coming of Christ
The study of biblical prophecy provides encouragement for today and hope for tomorrow. Knowing that one day our Lord will welcome us to the Holy City with open arms is not just good news, it’s the best news imaginable! I hope you will use these specially selected devotionals as you reflect on that marvelous truth. Day 1: No Condemnation There is therefore now no … [Read more...] about 10 Encouraging Verses and Devotionals About the Second Coming of Christ
Becoming a Cashless Society—A Financial Sign of the End Times
Do you remember the days when everyone paid with cash or paper checks? Credit receipts were made in triplicate—one page for the customer, one for the seller, and one for the bank. And there were knuckle–grinding machines that imprinted name and account numbers through two lightweight paper sheets and one tagboard sheet, each separated by carbon paper. Personal checks were … [Read more...] about Becoming a Cashless Society—A Financial Sign of the End Times
Globalism and Europe's Role in Bible Prophecy
About 2,500 years ago, the Jewish prophet Daniel received a panoramic revelation from God that revealed the sweep of world history from his own day up until a future time when Jesus Christ returns to establish His eternal kingdom. This revelation about the future came in the form of two dreams. One dream is recorded in the second chapter of Daniel, and it is a dream of the … [Read more...] about Globalism and Europe's Role in Bible Prophecy
Understanding Old and New Testament Prophecy
Prophecy fascinates us because it points to something beyond our physical world and reminds us of God’s hand at work in creation. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has “set eternity in the human heart” (NIV). We yearn to discover eternity because we were created for it (John 3:16). Everything that can be known about the future is revealed through Old and New Testament … [Read more...] about Understanding Old and New Testament Prophecy
What Is Prophecy?
In the United States, there were approximately 1.7 million new cases of cancer diagnosed in 2018.1 Globally, there were at least 25 ongoing, armed conflicts with vast humanitarian, political, and economic consequences.2 In 2016, 815 million people were undernourished.3 Many people look at these statistics of human suffering and wonder where God is in all of this. Does He see … [Read more...] about What Is Prophecy?
4 Steps to Spiritual Awakening From Revelation
Relying on past success is a recipe for destruction—just ask the city of Sardis. Strategically located on the banks of the gold-laden Pactolus River, Sardis was once the prosperous capital of Lydia’s empire. At its peak, history suggests Sardis’s king Croesus financed construction of the Temple of Artemis—one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Croesus’s father, … [Read more...] about 4 Steps to Spiritual Awakening From Revelation
4 Lessons From the Philadelphia Church in Revelation
Modern church life is quite different from life in the early Church, but today’s believers have much to learn from the faithfulness of the church in Philadelphia. Christ praised the believers for four principles that we often lose sight of among the practices and programs of modern church culture. Although Christ addressed Revelation 3:7-13 to the church … [Read more...] about 4 Lessons From the Philadelphia Church in Revelation
5 Critical Issues Facing Our World
There are at least five critical issues facing our world today. What does the modern nation of Israel have to do with the End Times? How should Christians respond to a world overrun by rampant violence and militant Islam? Does the Bible give us insight into Russia’s resurgence on the world stage? What can be known about how the Rapture and End … [Read more...] about 5 Critical Issues Facing Our World
Solve the Mystery of Revelation Through Daniel and John
The history of the world has been altered frequently by the flow of secret intelligence and vital information. For thousands of years, informants have played a crucial role in the destinies of nations. The End Times are no different. Today we’ll meet three men whose inside information has helped to prepare the way for earth’s final days. Whenever I visit the Holy Land, I … [Read more...] about Solve the Mystery of Revelation Through Daniel and John
What Is the Millennium? 7 Answers to 7 Questions
Can you imagine a world with no fear? No disease? No pain? No worry? That is what the Millennial Kingdom will be like. For a thousand years, there will be peace—we will live in a perfect world with Christ as our ruler. It is something we can look forward to when our lives are difficult and when our world is filled with chaos, immorality, and despair. As we go through hard … [Read more...] about What Is the Millennium? 7 Answers to 7 Questions
Benefits of Biblical Prophecy in the World Today
Doom and gloom? That’s how many think of the book of Revelation. Oftentimes, Christians shy away from the study of prophecy because they believe it is too complex or irrelevant to spend time examining. But this is not true. Revelation gives us insight into things that will come to pass and helps us understand the things that are happening in our world. It gives us heavenly … [Read more...] about Benefits of Biblical Prophecy in the World Today
Why Study Revelation?
Warning! Watching the news could trouble your heart. We’ve never had so many sources of breaking news beamed nonstop into our homes and phones, and most of the stories leave us perplexed and disheartened. Who could imagine times like these? Political upheaval. Global terrorism. Mass killings. Rogue states. Economic peril. Rampant secularism. Worldwide pandemics. Racism. … [Read more...] about Why Study Revelation?