1. Genesis 1:1 2. John 1:1 3. John 1:14 4. John 3:16 5. Romans 6:23 6. 2 Timothy 3:16 7. 1 John 5:11 8. Matthew 6:33 9. Matthew 28:19 10. Hebrews 11:6 1. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Scripture begins with these ten words. This is the bedrock of the Bible, the first, earliest, and most irreducible foundation for the remaining … [Read more...] about 10 Bible Verses Every Christian Should Memorize
Learn about God’s grace and forgiveness available through Jesus Christ while finding encouragement in Scripture. Discover principles for godly living.
Christian Living
Psalms & Proverbs 31-Day Reading Plan
This downloadable reading plan will guide you through Psalms and Proverbs in 31 days. ~ Timeless Wisdom for Everyday Success ~ Our minds are far more important than we are often led to believe. God's priority for our mind is that it be devoted and dedicated to Him, disciplined and determined and discerning about what it does in our life. Pump God's Word into … [Read more...] about Psalms & Proverbs 31-Day Reading Plan
What Does Hebrews 6:19 Mean?
We Need Hope When the Seas Are Rough My favorite passage about hope in the book of Hebrews is in chapter 6, where hope is described as an anchor for the soul. The writer of Hebrews didn’t just give his readers some uplifting quotes or inspirational comments. He pulled them into the heart of the Old Testament and gave them some very serious hours of Bible study. And he told … [Read more...] about What Does Hebrews 6:19 Mean?
Bible Reading Plan for 2025
This downloadable reading plan will guide you through the entire Bible in one year. Effective Bible Study On February 28, 2016, Aleix Segura Vendrell claimed a Guinness World Record by holding his breath for 24 minutes and 3 seconds. Survivalists and scientists have determined that most humans can survive a few days without water and perhaps a month or more … [Read more...] about Bible Reading Plan for 2025
Are Old Testament Promises Only for Israel?
When looking at the promises mentioned in Scripture, questions can certainly arise when considering the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the Jewish nation was God’s great testimony to law. In the New Testament, the Church is His witness for grace. The law prepared the way for grace, and grace enables us to fulfill the righteousness of the law … [Read more...] about Are Old Testament Promises Only for Israel?
How Do We Know God's Will or Purpose for Our Life?
With all the looming decisions and pressures of life, knowing, seeking, and understanding the will of God is paramount in the life of the believer. Here are three important keys to finding the will of God in your life. 1. Desire to Know God’s Will When it comes to the will of God, you must first desire to know the will of God. This means wanting to know what God has for … [Read more...] about How Do We Know God's Will or Purpose for Our Life?
Going for the Gold Devotions
These Go for the Gold devotionals, find us mining Scripture for golden lessons in life. ~ Go for the Gold: God's Word ~ The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold.—Psalm 19:9-10 An Olympic gold medal is mostly silver. It’s only gold-plated. That’s not true for the Word of God. … [Read more...] about Going for the Gold Devotions
A Parade of Nations
The 2024 Summer Olympic Games are being held in Paris, France, this year. There are 329 events in 32 different sports. In all, 206 countries will participate in the Games, involving more than 10,000 athletes-with nearly 10 million tickets sold to spectators. One thing is different this year. Barring terrorist threats, the Opening Ceremony won't take place in a stadium but on … [Read more...] about A Parade of Nations
If God Is So Loving, Why Does He Allow Suffering in the World?
At some point everyone has asked why life is so hard. The question has been asked by believers from the beginning. The greatest thinkers of the ages have wrestled with this—and not just writers like Job, Sartre, and Descartes. Even pop pundits like Woody Allen have summed it up by saying, “Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering—and it’s all over much too … [Read more...] about If God Is So Loving, Why Does He Allow Suffering in the World?
How Do I Know I Am Saved?
You do not have to struggle with assurance of salvation—God offers no salvation that is not eternal. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” … [Read more...] about How Do I Know I Am Saved?
Finding Strength in the Savior Devotionals
These "Power Up" devotionals focus on Scripture verses that will help us claim the power of God in our lives and its work in and through us. ~ Power Up: Ask God for Strength ~ O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!—Psalm 68:35 Our awesome God is the sole source … [Read more...] about Finding Strength in the Savior Devotionals
Why Does God Discipline Us?
Most of us don’t want the kind of God that would allow human hardship. We want the kind of God C. S. Lewis described in The Problem of Pain: We want not so much a Father in heaven as a grandfather in heaven, one whose plan for the universe is such that it might be said at the end of each day, a good time was had by all . . . .How shallow! How foolish to think that a God who … [Read more...] about Why Does God Discipline Us?
7 Powerful Easter Devotions to Celebrate Hope!
Easter is a celebration of hope! God's great love for us was displayed on the Cross, and His power was demonstrated through the empty tomb. The Easter season provides an opportunity to reflect on the great hope we have because of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. As you prepare your heart for Easter, perhaps during the season of Lent, we pray that these short … [Read more...] about 7 Powerful Easter Devotions to Celebrate Hope!
What Does "God Is Love" Mean?
The Bible tells us that God is love. The apostle John writes, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” (1 John 4:8). He reiterates this truth a few sentences later: “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16). So What Does It Mean That “God Is Love”? God is love means that God is the source of love; love is His … [Read more...] about What Does "God Is Love" Mean?
10 Simple Prayers for Living the Fruit of the Spirit
In Galatians 5, it is stated that "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." These are not just good habits or traits that we can exhibit whenever we feel like it, but rather virtues that we are called to demonstrate as part of our everyday Christian life. Below are some prayers you can use to … [Read more...] about 10 Simple Prayers for Living the Fruit of the Spirit
Your Words Matter: What the Bible Says About the Power of the Tongue
What does your speech say about you? James 3:1-12 outlines four hard truths about the power of our words: 1. God will hold us accountable for our words. 2. Our words create a disproportionate impact. 3. Our tongue is like a wild animal that can tear people apart. 4. Our words should be consistent with our Christian testimony. If your tongue has a habit of getting you into … [Read more...] about Your Words Matter: What the Bible Says About the Power of the Tongue
8 Habits That Are Destroying Your Walk With God
Have you fallen into bad spiritual habits? God has equipped His children with everything they need to live victoriously, but many Christians miss out by falling into habits that disconnect them from God’s power, perspective, and presence. If you aren’t experiencing spiritual victory, bad habits may be to blame. Conduct a spiritual check-up with this list of eight habits … [Read more...] about 8 Habits That Are Destroying Your Walk With God
A Prayer for Guidance in the New Year
When you read today's headlines, you can either wring your hands in worry or fold them in prayer. Worry doesn’t help, but prayer is effective and powerful. Prayer is our greatest need, our highest activity, our finest habit, and our holiest use of time. Prayer changes things. The guidance prayer below is geared to our times and appropriate for the hour. God attentively … [Read more...] about A Prayer for Guidance in the New Year
7 Prayers for Inner Peace
Inner peace seems illusive at times. The consistent overflow of information and entertainment that bombards us, added to the fast-paced lifestyles we are pressured to lead, can put us on the edge of our sanity and keep us there. While we are living in this zone, it’s usually not a question of whether we are praying but how we are praying. How to Pray for Peace … [Read more...] about 7 Prayers for Inner Peace
What Does the Bible Say About Dreams?
The Bible has a lot to say about dreams! It encourages us to dream big. When we talk about dreams here, we aren’t talking about self-made visions of our life apart from God’s will. Instead, we are talking about envisioning the next step or stage of your life. A dream is simply a picture of what you feel God wants you to do next. So, what does the Bible say about dreams? A … [Read more...] about What Does the Bible Say About Dreams?
Joy Comes in the Morning: Finding Comfort and _ _ _
The greatest paradox of the Christmas season is why during a season of joy and celebration so many people feel sad and lonely. Are you among them? Research going back to the 1950s shows that mental health issues increase and depressive episodes deepen for many of us during the holidays. The Yuletide season brings wistful nostalgia and deep memories. We face time and money … [Read more...] about Joy Comes in the Morning: Finding Comfort and _ _ _
Happiness for Christians: Your Action Plan
Throughout history there has been an ongoing search for happiness. Even with innumerable philosophers and scholars providing theories on this quest, happiness remains elusive for many people. Is it possible to be habitually happy? Make a deliberate choice to pursue habits that will draw you closer to the Lord—the only true Source of joy and happiness. Jesus … [Read more...] about Happiness for Christians: Your Action Plan
Gratitude for Christians: A Thanksgiving Bible Study
Human beings are wired to be grateful. Whether we receive a kiss from a grandchild, a compliment from a stranger, or a lovingly prepared gift, we instinctually feel a sense of appreciation. Then, of course, there are other times. Gratitude comes less naturally in seasons of loss, but the Word of God gives Christians clear instructions: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for … [Read more...] about Gratitude for Christians: A Thanksgiving Bible Study
12 Unchanging Promises of God—One for Every Month of the Year
When we combine our rapidly changing culture with the world’s increasing political and economic instability, it can feel like the world is crumbling around us. But God’s Word and its promises remain solid and unchanging. In His Word, God has provided us with His assurance and comfort for times such as these. Let the promises found in God’s Word guide you through the year and … [Read more...] about 12 Unchanging Promises of God—One for Every Month of the Year
Answers to Questions About the Bible
Discover answers to some of the most-asked questions about the Bible, including Why Is It Important To Memorize Scripture?, and Why Do We Need God's Word Today? Jump to a question about the Bible: • Why Do Christians Need To Read and Study the Bible? • Why Is It Important to Memorize Scripture? • Why Do We Need God’s Word … [Read more...] about Answers to Questions About the Bible
How Can Christians Make a Difference in America?
America’s problems aren’t entirely “out there.” We worry that God is silent, but then we scroll social media instead of searching the Scriptures. We complain that our voices are being silenced, but we fail to bring our requests before the Lord in prayer. If we want to make a difference in our world, we can begin by humbling ourselves before God. • Making a Difference Begins … [Read more...] about How Can Christians Make a Difference in America?
Life Lessons From Deborah in the Bible
The idea that any family is just one generation away from decline needs no other example than the children of Israel. When Deborah rose to prominence as a prophetess and judge, the rebellious generation of Israelites that fled Egypt had died in the wilderness. A new generation traveled with Moses to the plains of Moab, and he taught them how to follow the Lord. Everything … [Read more...] about Life Lessons From Deborah in the Bible
The Satisfyingly Simple Answer to the World's Problems
America loves game shows, especially when the price is right. Game shows started in 1938 during the golden age of radio with the broadcast of “Spelling Bee.” In 1940, “Truth or Consequences” began on radio and soon jumped to television. As TVs became household fixtures, game shows filled the daylight hours, allowing advertisers to hawk soaps and cigarettes to homemakers. In … [Read more...] about The Satisfyingly Simple Answer to the World's Problems
Want to Know the Mind of Christ? Ask.
On a visit to Washington, D.C., in 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat met a group of journalists in Blair House, on Pennsylvania Avenue across from the White House. A rookie reporter in the back of the room, Wolf Blitzer, raised his hand and said, “Mr. President, you seem so sincere in your quest for peace. Why don’t you do something to demonstrate that to Israel? Perhaps you … [Read more...] about Want to Know the Mind of Christ? Ask.
God Is in the Room—Right Now
Perhaps you’re not where you want to be. You’re reading this in a hospital bed, or in a prison or halfway house, or in a distant city far from family. Maybe you’ve had to move out of the home you loved or away from the town where you grew up. You might be reading this in a dormitory room, feeling lonelier than you’ve ever felt in your life. We’re not always in our ideal … [Read more...] about God Is in the Room—Right Now
Christian Kryptonite? What Is Your Area of Weakness?
Have you ever considered which superpower you’d most like to have? Well, remember, every superpower comes with a super weakness. Our favorite superheroes are rarely defeated, but their stories would bore us to tears if our champions didn’t have some chink in their armor to provide drama to their adventures. The most famous example, of course, is the Man of Steel, who is … [Read more...] about Christian Kryptonite? What Is Your Area of Weakness?
How to Speak the Truth in Love in a Hostile World
Does today’s anti-Christian rhetoric make you mad? Do you ever get so fed up that you’d like to give someone a piece of your mind? The standards and convictions of Christianity place us at odds with our culture. So how can we maintain our Christian composure in a confrontational age? We can learn from Jesus. He was neither weak nor rude. He spoke clearly and confidently, … [Read more...] about How to Speak the Truth in Love in a Hostile World
7 Steps to Revolutionizing Your Faith
A revolution starts with a resolution. A resolution to make an impact. An impact that leads to permanent solutions. Permanent solutions will bring growth for generations to come. But the truth is, we can’t be effective at revolutionizing the world if there is a revolution to be had in our own heart. The revolution of the faith is what makes radical change. When we open our … [Read more...] about 7 Steps to Revolutionizing Your Faith
God: Your Greatest Life Coach
It’s no secret that a good coach often becomes the greatest influence in a young person’s life. High quality coaches are more concerned about mentoring athletes than winning games. Former Canadian Olympian Dr. Penny Werthner has devoted her life to sports psychology. As I write, she’s serving as the Dean of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary, and her husband is the … [Read more...] about God: Your Greatest Life Coach
Are You a Prisoner of Your Spiritual Comfort Zone?
Too many Christians are afraid of failure, afraid of offending, and afraid of the unknown. They’re skulking on the sidelines of life and wishing they were in the game, but doubting they have what it takes to win. No one in God’s family ever needs to feel that way. None of us has maxed out the passion scale—there is no upper limit on life! Each of us has potential which … [Read more...] about Are You a Prisoner of Your Spiritual Comfort Zone?
Has Your Love for God Grown Cold?
It’s wonderful to fall in love, to be loved, and to love someone else. But we also know how easily love can cool down. That can happen in our attitude toward the Lord too. That’s what happened to the church in Ephesus. The Ephesian church began during Paul’s second missionary journey (Acts 18:19-21). During his third journey, Paul spent three years there, and the church in … [Read more...] about Has Your Love for God Grown Cold?
God's 6-Point Plan for Success This Year
There is an unknown aspect of life for every human alive at this moment: the future. No one knows what it holds. For that reason, everyone faces the temptation to be fearful of it. Joshua faced an unknown future until God gave him six success principles—and promised he would prosper. The context of Joshua 1 is transition—the transition of leadership in Israel from Moses to … [Read more...] about God's 6-Point Plan for Success This Year
Do Your Priorities Align With God’s Will?
Coronado Island is an idyllic Southern California destination that attracts locals and tourists by the thousands each summer. One popular picnic spot is Spreckels Park, which boasts a sprawling swath of lush green grass, a gazebo, playground equipment, and towering shade trees. There is just one problem: the park is nestled in the center of the nearly 33-square-mile island, … [Read more...] about Do Your Priorities Align With God’s Will?
In Everything Give Thanks
If you enjoy seeing science validate the teachings of Scripture, search for “health benefits of gratitude” on the Internet. Links to study after study will appear, describing the health benefits—physical and emotional—of living with an “attitude of gratitude.” What is the biblical teaching on thanksgiving? The apostle Paul says it succinctly: “Rejoice always, pray without … [Read more...] about In Everything Give Thanks
Living the Golden Rule in a Tarnished Culture
Something is changing in the Western world. Increasingly, police departments find themselves disparaged and defunded. Politicians curb law enforcement budgets, and prosecutors release criminals who end up rearrested the next day. Open borders make it difficult to control human smugglers, sex traffickers, and dangerous drugs. We never know what will provoke rioting in our … [Read more...] about Living the Golden Rule in a Tarnished Culture
How to Spot a False Prophet
Over the centuries since Christ’s death and resurrection, countless impostors have pretended to be the Messiah or claimed to know details about the future they could not possibly know. While false prophets are nothing new, they will become increasingly prevalent and destructive in the End Times. Jesus warned us about these individuals in His Olivet Discourse: “Then many false … [Read more...] about How to Spot a False Prophet
Is It Ever Okay to Lie? Advice for Christians
White lies. Minor indiscretions. Misinformation. Fabrications. Distortion. Our culture has invented an entire vocabulary to blunt the stigma of deception. Sometimes we convince ourselves a little white lie will protect someone’s feelings. Other times, we even lie to ourselves. Instead of admitting our mistakes, we blame our environment, chemical imbalances, or … [Read more...] about Is It Ever Okay to Lie? Advice for Christians
Is There a Wrong Way to Worship God?
If you were to ask ten people to define “worship,” you would probably receive ten different answers. Some might describe worship as a church service or express a preference for “contemporary worship” or “traditional worship.” Others might say it’s the musical part of a church service. Still, others might refer to a feeling or an attitude. Each of these descriptions portrays an … [Read more...] about Is There a Wrong Way to Worship God?
God Wants Spies Like Us
It surprises some young people today to learn that James Bond (“007”) was not the world’s first secret agent. In fact, countries and cultures have benefited from the work of super-sleuths for thousands of years. As far back as the Old Testament, God Himself commissioned spies to carry out essential tasks in His Kingdom. It’s a strategy He still uses today—and He invites YOU to … [Read more...] about God Wants Spies Like Us
Christ's Message for the Seven Churches of Revelation and Today
After His resurrection, Jesus Christ commissioned the apostle John to write letters to seven churches in Asia Minor about their spiritual condition. Each letter identified the church’s strengths and weaknesses and gave instructions for finding its spiritual footing. These messages reveal that the ancient Church contended with many of the challenges God’s people face today. By … [Read more...] about Christ's Message for the Seven Churches of Revelation and Today
What Is the Fruit of the Spirit and How Do I Grow It?
When we talk about the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23 immediately springs to mind for most Christians. But did you know that the Old Testament talks about the concept of fruitfulness more than one hundred times? Or that 24 of the 27 books in the New Testament talk about what it means to be a fruit-bearing Christian? Anything important enough for God to mention over and … [Read more...] about What Is the Fruit of the Spirit and How Do I Grow It?
How to Wait on the Lord
In a well-known study on delayed gratification, researchers invited young children to eat one marshmallow right away or wait for a few minutes to receive two marshmallows. After observing the results and tracking the children for many years, Stanford University researchers determined that the children who waited for two marshmallows grew up to be more mature, successful adults … [Read more...] about How to Wait on the Lord
Introduction to The Jeremiah Study Bible
Have you noticed something different about today’s Bibles? The text of Scripture has not changed, but various resources accompany the biblical text. After years of being asked to create such a study Bible, I finally felt the time was right to consolidate my life’s work into a single resource. Since 2013, The Jeremiah Study Bible has helped everyday students of the Word … [Read more...] about Introduction to The Jeremiah Study Bible
Why Study the Bible
The Bible was written in three languages over a span of fifteen hundred years by more than forty human authors from all walks of life. Hailing from the Middle East, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, and Southern Europe, these men were kings, farmers, historians, fishermen, prophets, apostles, free men, and slaves. For all their differences, they shared a distinctive connection: The … [Read more...] about Why Study the Bible
Rejoice Always: Biblical Ideas About Happiness
Happiness is something everybody wants. The Declaration of Independence goes so far as to call it an “unalienable” right. But when we read, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4), it seems unrealistic—even burdensome. How can we possibly rejoice after a child dies, war breaks out, or broken relationships tear up our family? Paul, the … [Read more...] about Rejoice Always: Biblical Ideas About Happiness
How to Become a Christian
A Note From Dr. David Jeremiah: I know God is real, and I know He loves me. I know that He loves you, too, whoever you are, whatever your circumstances may be. I’ve been through the good times and the bad times of life, and God has always been there for me. He has never failed me. But neither has He kept me free of problems or heartbreak. In this world, we must contend with … [Read more...] about How to Become a Christian
Revelation's 7 Promises to Every Believer
When someone mentions the book of Revelation, what comes to mind? For many, the book conjures thoughts of the end of the world, the Antichrist, and complex symbolism. No doubt, Revelation is a deeply prophetic book that gives us the most comprehensive image of the Last Days anywhere in Scripture. Still, there is much more to it than apocalyptic imagery. Revelation is filled … [Read more...] about Revelation's 7 Promises to Every Believer
A Christian’s Guide to Preparing for the Apocalypse
God has used a long line of agents in earlier days who have passed their faith down to us. In biblical history, apostolic history, and the story of the Church are heroes of whom the world is not worthy. But who are God’s agents in the world now? Who are His ambassadors today? Who can represent Him in these turbulent times? It’s us! You and I are His agents of the Last … [Read more...] about A Christian’s Guide to Preparing for the Apocalypse
3 Ways to Hear the Voice of Jesus
Of all the voices we hear in a day, none is more critical to how we live our lives than the voice of Jesus! Throughout history, there have been many great orators and countless inspiring speeches, but none can compare to the words of Jesus. No one ever spoke as He did. His words are perfect, infallible and unfailing, always truthful and trustworthy. He never spoke a false … [Read more...] about 3 Ways to Hear the Voice of Jesus
A Guide to Christian Prayer: Q & A
Most Christians would agree that prayer is an essential spiritual discipline. We know that Scripture tells us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and it promises, “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him” (Psalm 145:18). Yet only 55% of Christians “say they rely a lot on prayer and personal religious reflection when making major life decisions.”1 Even the … [Read more...] about A Guide to Christian Prayer: Q & A
Trusting God When Your Prayers Aren’t Answered
As a child, where did you go for answers? As a teenager, who was your “go-to” person? In your career now, do you have a mentor who helps you find the answers you seek? When Moses didn’t know what to do with the Israelites in the wilderness, his father-in-law, Jethro, told him how to organize the people into a functioning nation (Exodus 18). When David became the king of … [Read more...] about Trusting God When Your Prayers Aren’t Answered
Ask, Seek, Knock: How to Seek God’s Guidance
When American novelist and playwright William Goldman asked his two young daughters what he should write his next novel about, one said, “Write about a princess,” and the other said, “Write about a bride.” So he wrote The Princess Bride, published in 1973. Even though Goldman had won two Academy Awards for screenplays and wanted to sell his novel to a movie studio, The Princess … [Read more...] about Ask, Seek, Knock: How to Seek God’s Guidance
How to Know You Are a Christian
Someone once said that sitting in church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car. The apostle John would agree with that sentiment. His first epistle, the book of First John, is devoted to helping God’s people identify truth and discern genuine spirituality. As with his gospel account, John tells us exactly why he wrote this first letter: … [Read more...] about How to Know You Are a Christian
Shattering the Myths of Predestination
Trekking through Romans 8:28-29 is one of the most perilous journeys in the book of Romans. In just a few words, these verses contain a doctrine that has become the watershed between two different groups of Christians: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also … [Read more...] about Shattering the Myths of Predestination
God Has Not Forgotten You
Our lives are fragile. The roof over our head may be gone tomorrow. The money in our savings account might disappear. Those dear to us in our immediate family circle may be absent in the near future. The fragility of life alone generates uncertainty and fear in some people. How can we keep feelings from twisting our view of God? There are five practical steps and two truths … [Read more...] about God Has Not Forgotten You
3 Ways to Overcome Loneliness for Christians
One young, single woman quit her job in the city and moved back to her small hometown, abandoning her career, and leaving a place of service in the church she had joined. When asked why, she replied, “I just got tired of eating supper alone.” No one is immune to it. Even one of the most brilliant men who ever lived, Albert Einstein, complained, “It is strange to be known so … [Read more...] about 3 Ways to Overcome Loneliness for Christians
How to Defeat Satan in Two Simple Steps
The original video games that appeared in the seventies and eighties weren't rocket science. They required some hand-eye skills, yes. But intellectually speaking, they were marketed to young people, not Ph.D.s (though plenty of Ph.D.s played them at night after their children were in bed!). Satan’s mind games make the most sophisticated video games look like child’s play. … [Read more...] about How to Defeat Satan in Two Simple Steps
20 Verses for Overcoming Temptation
Temptation is a fork in the road. It is choosing which road to travel: the high one or the low one. Wouldn’t life be easier if there were no forks, no decisions to make—if the road were simply a straight and narrow path? But the Bible gives us no magical formulas for that kind of life. It assures us that we will come to those forks regularly, and we must choose where to … [Read more...] about 20 Verses for Overcoming Temptation
Biblical Guidelines for Christian Meditation
Life can be truly dizzying if we lose our perspective. Kati Metro, 74, was hiking near Phoenix, Arizona, when she fell, injuring her face, wrist, and hip. A rescue helicopter flew in, and workers strapped her to a stretcher. Unfortunately, the winds were fierce, and a line failed that was supposed to prevent the stretcher from spinning as they pulled it up to the helicopter. … [Read more...] about Biblical Guidelines for Christian Meditation
Money Is Not Evil: 5 Financial Principles From King Solomon
Money management may be one of the most misunderstood aspects of the Christian faith. How often have you heard someone say, “Money is the root of all evil?” Did you know that statement doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible? It is a misquotation of 1 Timothy 6:10, which says, “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (emphasis added). The Bible may be the only … [Read more...] about Money Is Not Evil: 5 Financial Principles From King Solomon
4 Practical Ways to Prepare for Christ’s Return
The Bible draws a connection between Jesus Christ’s Second Coming and rewards for God’s faithful people. While we do not know when He will return, there are things we can do to be ready for that day. 1. We can prepare by recognizing Christ’s passion and patience. 2. We can prepare by reflecting Christ’s servanthood. 3. We can prepare by revering Christ’s honor and glory. 4. We … [Read more...] about 4 Practical Ways to Prepare for Christ’s Return
4 Reasons You Feel Spiritually Drained and Ways to Avoid Them
How do spiritual drains develop in the life of a believer? Spiritual power does not vanish overnight. It is a gradual process that worsens over time as we establish patterns of behavior that grieve or quench the Holy Spirit. This can happen in a variety of ways, but today we will examine four common leaks: 1. The drain of negative influence. Our relationships will lead us … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons You Feel Spiritually Drained and Ways to Avoid Them
What It Means to Be Clay in the Hands of the Potter
Scripture’s dominant theme is a simple one: God is the Divine Potter, and humanity is the clay. It is another way to express God’s sovereignty over all people; a way to express our need to yield to His divine plan; a way to encourage us to find the purpose for which we have been made; a way to accept the divine purpose for all of God’s handiwork. 3 Principles of a Life … [Read more...] about What It Means to Be Clay in the Hands of the Potter
18 Bible Verses for Overcoming Anxiety and Stress
The verses we’ll look at today address eight of God’s promises. Would you like to experience more of God’s love? Or His peace? Perhaps you are hoping for His deliverance. If you are short on time, you can jump to a particular topic: God's abundance God's deliverance God's goodness God's guidance God's love God's peace God's presence God's strength Corrie ten Boom used to … [Read more...] about 18 Bible Verses for Overcoming Anxiety and Stress
25 Habits of Successful Christians
The Bible offers us, as Christians, a detailed training plan for success in our relationship with God, our relationships with others, and our inner world. By implementing these habits with consistency and perseverance, we can look forward to long-term success—and the help of angels! 4 Habits for Your Walk With God 14 Habits for God-Honoring Relationships 7 Spiritual Habits for … [Read more...] about 25 Habits of Successful Christians
5 Forgotten Habits for Spiritual Growth
Check this list of often-overlooked spiritual disciplines that are essential for growth: 1. Do you spend time in solitude and meditation? 2. Do you make a habit of praying with others? 3. Do you routinely read your Bible and Christian literature? 4. Do you ever fast? 5. Do you spend time each day confessing and repenting of sin? In our Christian experience, we sometimes … [Read more...] about 5 Forgotten Habits for Spiritual Growth
How to Use Each Day for God
Three Foundational Truths for Serving God Faithfully: 1. The Christian life includes privileges and responsibilities. 2. Even tragedies can serve God's purposes. 3. God has important work for each of us. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire stretched 2,650 miles from west to east and 2,000 miles from south to north. From Rome, the Empire reached north to the North … [Read more...] about How to Use Each Day for God
This Might Be the Reason God Tells You “No”
Most parents understand the value of the occasional “No.” When our children were younger, Donna and I said “Yes” whenever we could, but there were times when the wisest response was “No.” The dangers of the world demand it. What if your child wants to spend the night with a family about whom you know nothing? What if they want to play in an unsafe area or near a busy street? … [Read more...] about This Might Be the Reason God Tells You “No”
Finding Your Purpose Through Pain: The Story of Joni Eareckson Tada
Life has a funny way of twisting, turning, and taking us on a path we could never anticipate. Sometimes the surprises are wonderful. Other times they are absolutely devastating. They can upend the vision we had for our life, and the shock and grief of unwanted change can leave us feeling as if we no longer have a purpose. Such was the case for Joni Eareckson Tada. In an … [Read more...] about Finding Your Purpose Through Pain: The Story of Joni Eareckson Tada
7 Spiritual Disciplines for a Rewarding Life
Have you ever felt stuck in life—like you weren’t sure what the next step was? Or maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from the twists and turns of life, wondering if this is really all you are made to do. All of us have felt that way at some time—but we were built for more! God has created each of us with a glorious purpose in mind. When we pursue a deeper … [Read more...] about 7 Spiritual Disciplines for a Rewarding Life
6 Signs That You're Distracted From God's Will
6 Red-Flag Warnings of Spiritual Distraction 1. Pressure to compromise 2. Feelings of burnout 3. A pattern of broken relationships 4. A tendency toward pride 5. Feelings of shame 6. Reluctance to change The relatively recent release of smartphones has provided new opportunities for us to be distracted, but the problem existed long before that. When the Israelites were … [Read more...] about 6 Signs That You're Distracted From God's Will
Is God’s Will Ever Fun? Find Passion in Your Purpose
When Wayne was just six years old, his father built an ice rink in the family’s backyard in Ontario, Canada. Why? “It was for self-preservation,” his father, Walter, said. “I got sick of taking him to the park and sitting there for hours freezing to death.” All his son wanted to do was play ice hockey. He had been skating and playing hockey since the age of two, and by the time … [Read more...] about Is God’s Will Ever Fun? Find Passion in Your Purpose
Confidence, Joy, and Victory: Claim Your Identity in Christ
According to the NCAA, only six percent of high school athletes are selected to play at the collegiate level, and fewer than two percent of those student-athletes go on to become professional athletes.1 The competition is fierce. Every detail of a team’s training and equipment can make the difference between success and failure. In the world of sports, sponsorships play a … [Read more...] about Confidence, Joy, and Victory: Claim Your Identity in Christ
Am I Going to Heaven?
God wants everyone to join Him in heaven. No matter who you are or what you’ve done, He is prepared to welcome you. There is only one requirement: You need to seek His forgiveness before you leave this world. If you repent of your sin, confess it, and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will be saved from the spiritual penalty of your sin and be freed to enjoy … [Read more...] about Am I Going to Heaven?
3 Lessons Christians Can Learn From the Election
Every four years, the world holds its breath while America chooses a President. The decision, coming at the end of hard-fought campaigns, influences the destiny of history. Perhaps only those closest to the candidates understand the strain of the race. The pressures of running for President must be nearly as great as the stresses of office once elected. When Woodrow … [Read more...] about 3 Lessons Christians Can Learn From the Election
A Prayer for National Unity and Hope for Tomorrow
“What a mess.” How many times have you heard this? Or said it! And today, perhaps, many of us may feel it, more than ever. It’s been an unsettling season—an extraordinary year of turmoil: pandemic, economic issues, politics, natural disasters. After the U.S. presidential election, the mess may get even messier. But our hope is not in politics or government. Yes, as … [Read more...] about A Prayer for National Unity and Hope for Tomorrow
Making Sense of God and Politics in America: A Bible Study for the Christian Voter
Sometimes we take the blessing of our freedom for granted, but each election reminds us of the privileges of living in a free country. At its core, America was founded on the principles of liberty and was shaped by Christian thinkers. In his inaugural address as the first President of the United States, George Washington remarked, “No People can be bound to acknowledge and … [Read more...] about Making Sense of God and Politics in America: A Bible Study for the Christian Voter
How Not to Encourage Your Friends—A Lesson From Job’s Friends
Job’s friends were true encouragers for one week—they sat with him; they wept with him; and most importantly, they remained silent. But once they began to speak, they became Job’s great discouragers. They responded to Job’s words, but they failed to see his pain or to recognize suffering as a potential part of God’s plan. They assumed Job’s sin, never acknowledging the … [Read more...] about How Not to Encourage Your Friends—A Lesson From Job’s Friends
8 Heavenly Truths That Can Change Your Life Today
It started in California in the 1980s with an initiative to increase the self-esteem of underprivileged kids: awarding participation trophies just for showing up. In addition to awarding trophies to winners, every participant was given a trophy for participating in the activity. The Bible doesn’t say anything about participation rewards—rewards just for being a … [Read more...] about 8 Heavenly Truths That Can Change Your Life Today
Q&A: Seeking Jesus in the Last Days
Time is running out. The rapid escalation of catastrophic events around the world suggests that we are living in the Last Days, and the Apocalypse is drawing near. Christians have a responsibility to treat each day as a new opportunity to serve the Lord and lead others to Him. This collection of questions and answers from David Jeremiah’s recent book, Answers to Questions About … [Read more...] about Q&A: Seeking Jesus in the Last Days
Why COVID? Finding Shelter in God During Times of Crisis
Where can we go during times of trouble? One answer is Zahara de la Sierra in the Cádiz province of southern Spain. Originally built as a castle and fortress in the Andalusian Mountains, Zahara has endured as a place of refuge and security for nearly a thousand years. The town was founded as an outpost for the Moors of the Maghreb; its location between the cities of … [Read more...] about Why COVID? Finding Shelter in God During Times of Crisis
5 Takeaways From the Life of Daniel
At some point in our life, we long for a mentor—someone who can wisely mold and shape our thoughts and habits, who can give us insights and help us find our way through life. You may not have a mentor right now, but there’s one very close to you—as close as your Bible. Think of the prophet Daniel as a personal mentor. God placed his remarkable story in the heart of the Bible to … [Read more...] about 5 Takeaways From the Life of Daniel
30 Reassuring Promises From God's Word
We’re living in unsettling times. Politics and economies are volatile; natural disasters and disease outbreaks are affecting millions; fear is a pandemic. It’s time for a change! While we cannot always alter our circumstances, let’s determine to transform our hearts, minds, and relationships through a renewed perspective of Christ’s imminent return and eternal promises. These … [Read more...] about 30 Reassuring Promises From God's Word
Facing Coronavirus With Courage, Cheerfulness, and Resolution
Attitude can mean the difference between victory and defeat in whatever struggle we’re facing. Morale is half the battle, as historian Robert Mackay writes in his book by that title: Half the Battle: Civilian Morale in Britain During the Second World War. According to Mackay, from the outset of World War II, the British Ministry of Information and its partnering agencies … [Read more...] about Facing Coronavirus With Courage, Cheerfulness, and Resolution
Facing the Coronavirus: 6 Strategies for Christians
It’s no secret that COVID-19 has created an unprecedented crisis in our nation and the world. For the first time in my lifetime, major events and activities have been canceled to stem the tide of a lethal virus. Schools at all levels are either closed for a time or have transitioned to online learning. Broadway theaters have gone dark. Professional sporting events have been … [Read more...] about Facing the Coronavirus: 6 Strategies for Christians
Facing Coronavirus: Keep Calm and Carry On
Our world is embroiled in a war against an invisible enemy known as COVID-19. And every war needs a good PR department. Public relations on the home front affect the results on the battlefront and can spell the difference between victory and defeat. That’s why England’s government established the Ministry of Information (MOI) on September 4, 1939, a scant day after Britain’s … [Read more...] about Facing Coronavirus: Keep Calm and Carry On
31 Encouraging Bible Verses PLUS 15 Meaningful Choices You Can Make Today
Throughout the ages, God’s Word has been a source of hope in troubled times. Today the coronavirus is creating chaos on a global scale; its reach is unprecedented in our lifetime. Yet God’s Word remains steady, constant, and true. Like the North Star, it directs our gaze upward, and it will guide us through these dark days if we keep it in our sight. 31 Hope-Filled … [Read more...] about 31 Encouraging Bible Verses PLUS 15 Meaningful Choices You Can Make Today
A Biblical Checklist for Difficult Conversations
I’m often asked about the tone of our national discourse. Not since the Civil War, people tell me, has our nation been so divided. Well, I remember the riots of the late 1960s and early 1970s, and I’m not sure how to compare the social temperature of various generations. But I’m as troubled as anyone about today’s angry rhetoric, divisive speech, racial unrest, and cultural … [Read more...] about A Biblical Checklist for Difficult Conversations
5 Psalms for Hope in Hard Times
We all encounter difficult seasons and circumstances in our life. Perhaps the desires of our heart long to be fulfilled. Perhaps we are struggling through family or financial difficulties. Perhaps we’ve been confronted with a sudden loss or diagnosis that has shaken our world to its core. When we face difficult times, how do we hold on to hope? King David knew a … [Read more...] about 5 Psalms for Hope in Hard Times
15 Benefits to Reading Psalms and Proverbs
Change the oil in the car. Cook at home more often. Get adequate sleep. Play with the kids. Balance the budget. Walk the dog. Read the Bible. With so many worthwhile things to do, we often struggle to fit everything in. According to LifeWay Research, most Americans have a favorable view of the Bible, but only 57% say they’ve read at least half of it.1 We may feel … [Read more...] about 15 Benefits to Reading Psalms and Proverbs
Why Are You Here? Discover Your God-Given Purpose
I want to begin by asking you a question: Why are you here? I’m not asking why you live in a certain area or how you found my blog. What I’m asking is, Why has God placed you on this earth? The process of developing a vision for your life begins by answering this fundamental question. It’s very difficult to live a meaningful life without a sense of purpose, a dream … [Read more...] about Why Are You Here? Discover Your God-Given Purpose
How to Overcome Adversity and Grow Spiritually
Moses was a murderer. David was the youngest of eight brothers. Gideon hid from his enemies. Paul persecuted Christians. Thomas was a doubter. God uses unlikely candidates to build His kingdom, and Scripture is filled with examples. In modern times, William Carey (1761-1834), a poor Englishman with almost no formal education, started a revolution in international missions … [Read more...] about How to Overcome Adversity and Grow Spiritually
8 Reasons to Keep a Spiritual Journal
If you’ve ever put on a pair of jeans that you haven’t worn for months, you may have been surprised by a difference in the way they fit—or maybe they didn’t fit at all! Gradual changes can escape your notice, which is why it’s important to track your spiritual journey. Sure, there are life-changing moments that produce immediate transformation, but more often change occurs … [Read more...] about 8 Reasons to Keep a Spiritual Journal
What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple?
The Lord wants you to study Him. Is the word study a scary concept in your life? You’re not alone. I hear it often: “I did enough studying when I was in school,” or “I hated school, and I still have nightmares about taking tests,” or “Well, that counts me out. I never could concentrate on anything.” The Soul of Discipleship To all these concerns and more, my answer … [Read more...] about What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple?
40 Bible Verses for Navigating God's Promises and Blessings
Second Peter 1:3-11 is a remarkable passage of Scripture. It starts with a promise, ends with a blessing, and lists eight things we need to add to our faith to move from the promise to the blessing. What is this promise? Peter vows that those who intently pursue spiritual growth “will never stumble” on their journey “into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus … [Read more...] about 40 Bible Verses for Navigating God's Promises and Blessings
What Does the Bible Say About God's Promises?
We’ve all done it. Maybe we promised to take the kids to the movies, but the show they wanted to see was sold out. Perhaps a traffic jam caused us to miss an important celebration. Or maybe a long overdue coffee date had to be rescheduled because of an illness. We don’t intend to break our promises, but sometimes unforeseen obstacles make it impossible to keep … [Read more...] about What Does the Bible Say About God's Promises?
How to Experience God's Blessing
We’re constantly aware of what the world thinks. Our self-images are fragile, and we become upset if someone criticizes us.… We seem to need a lot of affirmation. But when we focus on the favor of God, His affirmation and love for us become the foundation of our self-esteem. We have value and worth because He made us, He is preparing a place for us, He is coming again for us, … [Read more...] about How to Experience God's Blessing
Daily Scriptures for Finding Inner Peace
Samson was betrayed by a beautiful woman. David was hunted by Saul and eventually by his own son. Job lost his family and fortune. All but one of the disciples were martyred. It’s no secret: God’s people experience pain and hardship. How can we be at peace when our world is crashing in around us? The Bible offers wisdom that has the power to steady us in any … [Read more...] about Daily Scriptures for Finding Inner Peace
Is There a Sin God Cannot Forgive?
One of the questions I’m regularly asked is, “Pastor, can I commit a sin that God cannot forgive?” Jesus addressed the topic in Mark 3:20-30. According to Jesus, there is one thing a person can do for which there is no forgiveness either in this age or in the age to come: blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. But what does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? Let’s look … [Read more...] about Is There a Sin God Cannot Forgive?
What Is Godliness?
Put simply, godliness is living a fruitful, obedient Christian life. It is one of seven qualities we are instructed to add to our faith after we become Christians. There are sixteen references to godliness in Scripture. All of them are in the New Testament, and most of them occur in 1 Timothy and 2 Peter. Let’s examine what it is, what it’s not, its prerequisites, its barriers, … [Read more...] about What Is Godliness?
7 Steps to a Closer Walk With God
When you think about climbing a mountain, what comes to mind? Do you envision breathtaking vistas from the mountaintop or breathless wheezing along the way? As different as they are, both perspectives capture aspects of the same journey. Reaching the summit requires grit and determination. Spiritual growth is no different. It demands perseverance, but the view from the top is … [Read more...] about 7 Steps to a Closer Walk With God
Is Faith Enough?
A Case for Simple Faith Jesus told a story about a wayward son who wasted his inheritance on wild living and ended up destitute. Filled with guilt and shame, the young man returned to his father’s house in hopes of working as a servant—he didn’t dare believe he could return as a son. When the boy arrived home, his father rushed to greet him, threw his arms around him, and … [Read more...] about Is Faith Enough?
10 Powerful Prayers Packed With Promise
The Bible is packed with powerful, life-transforming promises. God has given us this vault of infinite riches to be an instruction book for life. Why, then, do we often feel drained and powerless? Imagine a house on a pretty lot, surrounded by shrubs and flowers. A state-of-the-art power plant stands next door. That plant can produce enough energy to power the entire … [Read more...] about 10 Powerful Prayers Packed With Promise
The Bible’s Powerful 3-Step Process for Banishing Worry and Fear
Advice columnist, Ann Landers, when asked if there was a common denominator among the thousands of letters that came to her, said that the great overriding theme of all the letters was fear—fear of nearly everything imaginable until the problem became, for countless readers, a fear of life itself. Yet Proverbs 3:25-26 commands, “Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of … [Read more...] about The Bible’s Powerful 3-Step Process for Banishing Worry and Fear
When You Feel Discouraged … Do THIS Immediately
4 Aspects of God’s Faithfulness Every Christian Should Remember In case of emergency—break glass. No doubt you’ve seen signs bearing these words. Painted bright red, they stand out from their surroundings to grab our attention, offering a lifeline when disaster strikes. Whether it’s a means of turning off the gas line or accessing an AED or activating an alarm, emergency … [Read more...] about When You Feel Discouraged … Do THIS Immediately
5 Biblical Strategies for When Life Is Hard
Walking the Persistent Christian Journey The Christian life is a journey of persistence and endurance. Each morning when we wake up, we have no idea what the day will bring—a flat tire, a troubling phone call, a medical diagnosis. The question isn’t whether we’ll have trouble but when and how. Following the example of Ernest Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica, we … [Read more...] about 5 Biblical Strategies for When Life Is Hard
4 Ways to Meet God in Hard Times
Paul Jergan’s bend in the road came in the middle of the night, May 1, 2001, when he was jolted from bed by the ringing of the phone. Half-asleep, groping in the darkness for the phone, he muttered a groggy “hello.” A half-second later he was fully alert. It was the emergency room of a distant hospital. Paul’s son, Travis, a university student in another state, was in critical … [Read more...] about 4 Ways to Meet God in Hard Times
5 Principles for Biblical Decision Making
“I pray and talk to God, but I must be doing something wrong. I can’t seem to make wise decisions, and I have trouble knowing what God wants me to do in various situations.” Can you relate to this thought process? We can find ourselves stuck in holding patterns because we can’t decide what to do. I am reminded of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher’s comment … [Read more...] about 5 Principles for Biblical Decision Making
Love Letters from God
The husbands and wives who committed themselves to founding the fledgling republic that became the United States of America sacrificed dearly for their cause— particularly the leaders of the first Continental Congress. John Adams, for one, endured long months of separation from his wife and children. Massachusetts was their home, but the demands of statehood kept him in … [Read more...] about Love Letters from God
4 Steps to Spiritual Awakening From Revelation
Relying on past success is a recipe for destruction—just ask the city of Sardis. Strategically located on the banks of the gold-laden Pactolus River, Sardis was once the prosperous capital of Lydia’s empire. At its peak, history suggests Sardis’s king Croesus financed construction of the Temple of Artemis—one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Croesus’s father, … [Read more...] about 4 Steps to Spiritual Awakening From Revelation
4 Lessons From the Philadelphia Church in Revelation
Modern church life is quite different from life in the early Church, but today’s believers have much to learn from the faithfulness of the church in Philadelphia. Christ praised the believers for four principles that we often lose sight of among the practices and programs of modern church culture. Although Christ addressed Revelation 3:7-13 to the church … [Read more...] about 4 Lessons From the Philadelphia Church in Revelation
3 Ways to Read Your Bible
The American philosopher Mortimer Adler (d. 2001) wrote and edited scores of books, including the 60-volume Great Books of the Western World series. So no one questioned his qualifications when he wrote one of his most popular volumes, How to Read a Book—a guide to getting the most out of any book. If it helps to have a plan for reading books written by human authors, how … [Read more...] about 3 Ways to Read Your Bible
"God Loves You" Download this Free Coloring Sheet
No subject has occupied the minds and pens of poets, authors, songwriters, and novelists more than the subject of love. But our culture is confused about the nature of true love—and Christians also oftentimes confuse the true nature of God’s love. The Bible states that God is love (1 John 4:8; 1 John 4:16). Not only that but love is mentioned in the Bible about five hundred … [Read more...] about "God Loves You" Download this Free Coloring Sheet
Bible Verses About the Assurance of Eternal Life
Have you ever doubted your salvation? Perhaps your bad habits have caused you to wonder if God will change His mind about you. Or maybe you’ve made one life-changing mistake, and it seems there could be no way to get right with God. The good news is that eternal life is a gift we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. Our assurance of salvation does not depend on who we are or … [Read more...] about Bible Verses About the Assurance of Eternal Life
4 Answers to Your Questions About Salvation
Can a saved person ever be lost? Can you lose your salvation after you’ve become a Christian? No. But you can lose the joy of it, can't you? You can lose the productiveness of it. If you aren't living for the Lord, your salvation is "like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames" (1 Corinthians 3:15 NLT). Who would want to do that? Let's go on. Let's be the people … [Read more...] about 4 Answers to Your Questions About Salvation
Practical Encouragement for Proclaiming God’s Word
Minnesota is famously known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes, and the staggering beauty of Minnesota’s vast northern terrain thrills visitors. But all that beauty comes with danger. Reverend S. B. Shaw tells of a farmer who lived on the edge of one of those lakes. One evening after sunset he was on the water when a sudden gust capsized his sailboat. The man tried to swim for shore; … [Read more...] about Practical Encouragement for Proclaiming God’s Word
Why Your Circumstances Don’t Define Your Spiritual Growth
What advice would you give these people? SITUATION 1: In World War II, a patrol of Soviet soldiers captures a German woman who was foraging for food for her three children. Her husband is already in a POW camp in England, and she is taken to a POW camp in Russia. When her husband returns to Germany, he locates their children but is unable to find his wife. The wife, interred … [Read more...] about Why Your Circumstances Don’t Define Your Spiritual Growth
The Surprising Secret to Genuine Joy
If you like “The Amazing Race” or “Survivor,” you might be interested to know that so-called reality TV had its beginnings in old black-and-white programs like “Candid Camera.” These were unscripted shows with hidden cameras and microphones designed to show people reacting to practical jokes. One episode showed a new secretary at a desk with drawers that kept popping open. … [Read more...] about The Surprising Secret to Genuine Joy
The Difference Between Righteous and Sinful Anger
On March 16, 2012 (I’m withholding names and places to protect the already embarrassed and guilty parties!), a boyfriend (age 24) and girlfriend (17) sped out of the downtown area where they lived. They were in separate cars, driving at a high rate of speed, and weaving in and out of traffic—obviously chasing, or trying to elude, one another. The young woman had a male … [Read more...] about The Difference Between Righteous and Sinful Anger
Finding Faults: How to Avoid Spiritual Earthquakes
Let’s do a little geology to get started: The surface of the earth is made of giant plates (the Pacific Plate, the North American Plate, the South American Plate, the African, Arabian, Eurasian, Indian Plates—and so on). These plates that form the earth’s crust sit atop the mantle, which is semi-molten—a thick liquid, if you will. Hard plates, sitting atop a molten foundation, … [Read more...] about Finding Faults: How to Avoid Spiritual Earthquakes